5 Steps for Proper Wound Care

Proper wound care can help you avoid painful infections after an injury or surgery. If your wound isn't healing as quickly as expected, schedule an appointment with Dr. Scott Grover of Cache Valley Surgical Consultants in Logan, UT.

How to take care of wounds

These five wound care steps are essential for healing.

  1. Stop the Bleeding: Apply firm pressure with a clean cloth or piece of gauze to stop bleeding. See your doctor or go to the emergency room if the wound is gushing blood, doesn't stop bleeding after applying pressure for 10 minutes, the wound is deep, or the edges of the wound are agape.
  2. Clean the Wound: Cleaning removes dirt, debris, and bacteria and reduces the risk of infection. Clean your wound with soapy water using a gentle touch. Don't scrub the wound or use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean it.
  3. Apply a Bandage: Put a thin layer of antibiotic ointment on the wound and place a clean bandage over it.
  4. Avoid Getting the Wound Wet: Keep the wound dry for the first 48 hours. If the wound gets wet, healing could be delayed.
  5. Replace the Bandage Every Day: Gently wash around the wound with warm, soapy water and place a new bandage on it every day. Bandages can usually be removed two or three days later, depending on the severity of the cut and the rate of healing.

Things to keep in mind about wounds

If your wound is a result of surgery, follow your Logan, UT, surgeon's instructions regarding wound care. If you have a disease, illness, or condition that could slow healing, your doctor may provide special instructions to protect your wound.

Avoid activities or exercises that pull on the skin surrounding the wound until it begins to heal. If you exercise too soon, your wound or incision could break open.

Talk to your doctor if your wound isn't healing or healing slowly. He can recommend treatments that speed healing and reduce pain.

Do you need help with wound care? Call (435) 752-7122 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Grover.

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